Detailed Statistics for user eu MAMAT

Current money: 2'000$

Total game(s) played: 177

*GPH: Game Per Hours

'Private' channels won't be shown

Games played

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Anagram 73 0 73 (100% / 393'750$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Slots 42 0 0 (0% / 0$) 42 (100% / 42'000$) 0 (0%) 0
Multiplayer BlackJack 29 0 14 (48.3% / 4'823'500$) 15 (51.7% / 2'946'109$) 0 (0%) 0.93
Dice 22 0 8 (36.4% / 442'602$) 10 (45.5% / 6'693'748$) 4 (18.2%) 0.8
BlackJack 7 0 3 (42.9% / 90'000$) 3 (42.9% / 40'000$) 1 (14.3%) 1
Craps 2 0 0 (0% / 0$) 2 (100% / 4'000$) 0 (0%) 0
Lucky Lotto 1 0 0 (0% / 0$) 1 (100% / 200$) 0 (0%) 0
Cointoss 1 0 1 (100% / 50'000$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
TOTAL: 177 0 99 (55.9% / 5'799'852$) 73 (41.2% / 9'726'057$) 5 (2.8%) 1.36

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Favourite channel(s)

Channel Game played GPH*
#PALMA 8 0
#jakarta 1 0

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