Detailed Statistics for channel '#Indogaul'

*GPH: Game Per Hours

Most played games

Total games played: 7'170

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
BlackJack 1'933 0.01 783 (40.5% / 28'514'700$) 981 (50.8% / 12'412'650$) 169 (8.7%) 0.8
Virtual Poker 1'292 0.01 925 (71.6% / 15'261'800$) 367 (28.4% / 1'803'550$) 0 (0%) 2.52
Slots 1'278 0.01 59 (4.6% / 3'591'000$) 1'219 (95.4% / 1'219'000$) 0 (0%) 0.05
Anagram 647 0 647 (100% / 3'060'000$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Multiplayer BlackJack 399 0 174 (43.6% / 108'257'143$) 214 (53.6% / 189'798'331$) 11 (2.8%) 0.81
Cointoss 379 0 197 (52% / 9'293'000$) 182 (48% / 8'366'800$) 0 (0%) 1.08
Lucky Lotto 357 0 30 (8.4% / 353'000$) 327 (91.6% / 65'400$) 0 (0%) 0.09
Dice 329 0 124 (37.7% / 68'873'612$) 151 (45.9% / 100'332'270$) 54 (16.4%) 0.82
RedDog 287 0 87 (30.3% / 3'396'000$) 158 (55.1% / 2'866'000$) 42 (14.6%) 0.55
Craps 209 0 48 (23% / 722'000$) 161 (77% / 322'000$) 0 (0%) 0.3
Bingo 55 0 11 (20% / 190'000$) 44 (80% / 44'000$) 0 (0%) 0.25
Roulette 5 0 1 (20% / 20'000$) 4 (80% / 40'000$) 0 (0%) 0.25
TOTAL: 7'170 0.05 3'086 (43% / 241'532'255$) 3'808 (53.1% / 317'270'001$) 276 (3.8%) 0.81

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Most active players

Auth Game played GPH*
eu red-devil 2'990 0.02
eu rara-manjaa 1'735 0.01
eu Samirah 1'339 0.01
eu iwank 807 0.01
eu GaGek 106 0
eu Nocturne 80 0
eu pasopati 43 0
eu faXco 32 0
eu kg-b 17 0
eu Riz 10 0

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