Detailed Statistics for channel '#medan'

*GPH: Game Per Hours

Most played games

Total games played: 1'099

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Anagram 480 0 480 (100% / 2'422'500$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Virtual Poker 274 0 200 (73% / 4'275'000$) 74 (27% / 370'000$) 0 (0%) 2.7
Slots 196 0 9 (4.6% / 86'000$) 187 (95.4% / 187'000$) 0 (0%) 0.05
BlackJack 146 0 49 (33.6% / 1'527'768$) 75 (51.4% / 772'000$) 22 (15.1%) 0.65
Lucky Lotto 2 0 0 (0% / 0$) 2 (100% / 400$) 0 (0%) 0
RedDog 1 0 0 (0% / 0$) 1 (100% / 20'000$) 0 (0%) 0
TOTAL: 1'099 0.01 738 (67.2% / 8'311'268$) 339 (30.8% / 1'349'400$) 22 (2%) 2.18

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Most active players

Auth Game played GPH*
eu Yna 948 0.01
eu Liona 72 0
eu mirah 25 0
eu Sinchan 25 0
eu Suchy 19 0
eu red-devil 5 0
id Masgan 3 0
eu kidnap 2 0

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