Detailed Statistics for channel '#Karachi'

*GPH: Game Per Hours

Most played games

Total games played: 5'603

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Virtual Poker 1'841 0.01 1'295 (70.3% / 22'421'000$) 546 (29.7% / 2'720'014$) 0 (0%) 2.37
Anagram 1'726 0.01 1'726 (100% / 8'652'750$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
BlackJack 1'624 0.01 691 (42.5% / 25'017'000$) 785 (48.3% / 10'335'550$) 148 (9.1%) 0.88
Slots 200 0 12 (6% / 272'500$) 188 (94% / 188'000$) 0 (0%) 0.06
Dice 83 0 38 (45.8% / 257'098'270$) 35 (42.2% / 171'374'204$) 10 (12%) 1.09
Multiplayer BlackJack 35 0 10 (28.6% / 3'646'150$) 25 (71.4% / 8'573'400$) 0 (0%) 0.4
Lucky Lotto 33 0 4 (12.1% / 45'400$) 29 (87.9% / 5'800$) 0 (0%) 0.14
Roulette 30 0 13 (43.3% / 260'000$) 17 (56.7% / 170'000$) 0 (0%) 0.76
Cointoss 14 0 7 (50% / 175'000$) 7 (50% / 175'000$) 0 (0%) 1
Craps 13 0 5 (38.5% / 72'000$) 8 (61.5% / 16'000$) 0 (0%) 0.63
RedDog 4 0 0 (0% / 0$) 2 (50% / 30'000$) 2 (50%) 0
TOTAL: 5'603 0.04 3'801 (67.8% / 317'660'070$) 1'642 (29.3% / 193'587'968$) 160 (2.9%) 2.31

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Most active players

Auth Game played GPH*
eu Kenzo 4'994 0.04
eu red-devil 168 0
eu nia 146 0
eu Riz 61 0
eu Harimas 41 0
id thekingofbandit 36 0
eu Samirah 33 0
eu Emira 30 0
eu Jeng 30 0
eu elina 19 0

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Hits: 85936