Detailed Statistics for user eu Nocturne

Current money: 2'000$

Total game(s) played: 17'965

*GPH: Game Per Hours

'Private' channels won't be shown

Games played

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Anagram 8'835 0.06 8'835 (100% / 47'942'250$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Virtual Poker 4'337 0.03 3'079 (71% / 54'955'000$) 1'258 (29% / 6'290'000$) 0 (0%) 2.45
BlackJack 3'935 0.03 1'600 (40.7% / 48'000'000$) 1'961 (49.8% / 19'620'000$) 374 (9.5%) 0.82
RedDog 419 0 108 (25.8% / 2'860'000$) 242 (57.8% / 2'550'000$) 69 (16.5%) 0.45
Craps 359 0 92 (25.6% / 1'316'000$) 267 (74.4% / 534'000$) 0 (0%) 0.34
Multiplayer BlackJack 46 0 14 (30.4% / 6'200'000$) 32 (69.6% / 73'787'006$) 0 (0%) 0.44
Crack 32 0 17 (53.1% / 211'000$) 15 (46.9% / 15'000$) 0 (0%) 1.13
Cointoss 2 0 2 (100% / 550$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
TOTAL: 17'965 0.13 13'747 (76.5% / 161'484'800$) 3'775 (21% / 102'796'006$) 443 (2.5%) 3.64

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Favourite channel(s)

Channel Game played GPH*
#indonesia 8'367 0.06
#surabaya 472 0
#Indogaul 80 0
#elice 8 0

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Hits: 34433