Detailed Statistics for user eu elina

Current money: 2'000$

Total game(s) played: 6'709

*GPH: Game Per Hours

'Private' channels won't be shown

Games played

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
BlackJack 4'627 0.03 1'896 (41% / 73'786'500$) 2'297 (49.6% / 31'089'500$) 434 (9.4%) 0.83
Virtual Poker 707 0.01 506 (71.6% / 8'660'008$) 201 (28.4% / 1'005'000$) 0 (0%) 2.52
Anagram 648 0 648 (100% / 2'587'500$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Roulette 542 0 274 (50.6% / 5'462'000$) 268 (49.4% / 2'680'000$) 0 (0%) 1.02
Slots 94 0 4 (4.3% / 844'000$) 90 (95.7% / 90'000$) 0 (0%) 0.04
Multiplayer BlackJack 91 0 74 (81.3% / 29'221'032$) 17 (18.7% / 6'600'000$) 0 (0%) 4.35
TOTAL: 6'709 0.05 3'402 (50.7% / 120'561'040$) 2'873 (42.8% / 41'464'500$) 434 (6.5%) 1.18

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Favourite channel(s)

Channel Game played GPH*
#trenggalek 1'618 0.01
#Madura 910 0.01
#Tangerang 664 0
#forchat 590 0
#malang 539 0
#indonesia 266 0
#surabaya 187 0
#global 181 0
#blitar 179 0
#casual 20 0

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Hits: 85948