Detailed Statistics for user eu noctuner

Current money: 2'000$

Total game(s) played: 4'885

*GPH: Game Per Hours

'Private' channels won't be shown

Games played

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Virtual Poker 3'042 0.02 2'172 (71.4% / 37'872'061$) 870 (28.6% / 4'320'574$) 0 (0%) 2.5
Lucky Lotto 947 0.01 124 (13.1% / 1'402'800$) 823 (86.9% / 164'600$) 0 (0%) 0.15
Anagram 838 0.01 838 (100% / 3'507'000$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
BlackJack 53 0 23 (43.4% / 944'589$) 27 (50.9% / 450'000$) 3 (5.7%) 0.85
Cointoss 5 0 2 (40% / 5'000$) 3 (60% / 7'500$) 0 (0%) 0.67
TOTAL: 4'885 0.04 3'159 (64.7% / 43'731'450$) 1'723 (35.3% / 4'942'674$) 3 (0.1%) 1.83

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Favourite channel(s)

Channel Game played GPH*
#madiun 1'091 0.01
#tuban 314 0
#gorontalo 1 0

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Hits: 34590