Detailed Statistics for user eu nax

Current money: 1'518'500$

Total game(s) played: 5'301

*GPH: Game Per Hours

'Private' channels won't be shown

Games played

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Slots 2'413 0.02 102 (4.2% / 6'342'500$) 2'311 (95.8% / 2'311'000$) 0 (0%) 0.04
Anagram 1'540 0.01 1'540 (100% / 8'196'750$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
BlackJack 751 0.01 272 (36.2% / 12'549'000$) 419 (55.8% / 7'138'100$) 60 (8%) 0.65
Virtual Poker 582 0 384 (66% / 5'621'000$) 198 (34% / 976'200$) 0 (0%) 1.94
Multiplayer BlackJack 10 0 3 (30% / 1'300'000$) 7 (70% / 4'000'000$) 0 (0%) 0.43
Dice 4 0 1 (25% / 17'000$) 3 (75% / 984'400$) 0 (0%) 0.33
RedDog 1 0 1 (100% / 20'000$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
TOTAL: 5'301 0.04 2'303 (43.4% / 34'046'250$) 2'938 (55.4% / 15'409'700$) 60 (1.1%) 0.78

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Favourite channel(s)

Channel Game played GPH*
#surabaya 1'931 0.01
#1337 542 0
#ddoser 301 0
#NaX 271 0
#vegas 200 0
#|hax| 89 0
#jakarta 69 0
#casual 31 0
#england 19 0
#WutangLAN 7 0

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Hits: 11412