Detailed Statistics for channel '#blockchain'

*GPH: Game Per Hours

Most played games

Total games played: 2'043

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
Virtual Poker 1'060 0.01 772 (72.8% / 11'793'000$) 288 (27.2% / 1'431'000$) 0 (0%) 2.68
BlackJack 754 0.01 286 (37.9% / 13'362'000$) 400 (53.1% / 6'962'000$) 68 (9%) 0.72
Anagram 144 0 144 (100% / 744'000$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Cointoss 75 0 38 (50.7% / 950'000$) 37 (49.3% / 925'000$) 0 (0%) 1.03
Dice 4 0 1 (25% / 20'000'000$) 1 (25% / 20'000'000$) 2 (50%) 1
RedDog 4 0 2 (50% / 80'000$) 1 (25% / 20'000$) 1 (25%) 2
Lucky Lotto 2 0 0 (0% / 0$) 2 (100% / 400$) 0 (0%) 0
TOTAL: 2'043 0.01 1'243 (60.8% / 46'929'000$) 729 (35.7% / 29'338'400$) 71 (3.5%) 1.71

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Most active players

Auth Game played GPH*
id BeBy 840 0.01
eu promeX 479 0
eu sicario 342 0
eu memek 190 0
eu jancuk 131 0
eu Darkstar 61 0

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