Detailed Statistics for channel '#overGame'

*GPH: Game Per Hours

Most played games

Total games played: 3'025

Gamename Amount GPH* Won Lost Draw Ratio
BlackJack 1'080 0.01 426 (39.4% / 19'806'000$) 563 (52.1% / 9'976'002$) 91 (8.4%) 0.76
Virtual Poker 1'070 0.01 797 (74.5% / 11'673'000$) 273 (25.5% / 1'363'000$) 0 (0%) 2.92
Anagram 266 0 266 (100% / 1'263'000$) 0 (0% / 0$) 0 (0%) 1
Slots 218 0 14 (6.4% / 300'000$) 204 (93.6% / 204'000$) 0 (0%) 0.07
Cointoss 213 0 101 (47.4% / 2'525'000$) 112 (52.6% / 2'800'000$) 0 (0%) 0.9
RedDog 124 0 33 (26.6% / 1'284'000$) 71 (57.3% / 1'302'000$) 20 (16.1%) 0.46
Lucky Lotto 54 0 6 (11.1% / 70'600$) 48 (88.9% / 9'600$) 0 (0%) 0.13
TOTAL: 3'025 0.02 1'643 (54.3% / 36'921'600$) 1'271 (42% / 15'654'602$) 111 (3.7%) 1.29

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Most active players

Auth Game played GPH*
eu BeBy 1'791 0.01
eu jancuk 411 0
eu sicario 350 0
eu promeX 174 0
eu vincent 150 0
eu jupri 86 0
eu Darkstar 54 0
eu spy 6 0
eu unknown 2 0
eu psicotik 1 0

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Hits: 32271